Thursday, April 5, 2012

My hope for you....

I hope I can teach my girls how to be good friends.  Family is obviously the most important dynamic in life, but I want my girls to celebrate their friendships.  I’ve always tried my best to be there for my friends, and listen, and make time.  I always wanted to be given the opportunity to be a good friend; a life-long friend.  I’ve prided myself on that.  I truly love and truly care.  I take it very seriously, and I hope my girls do as well.

I hope I can muster enough patience each day so that I do not ever break their stride. I have to let them ‘be’ sometimes.  And it’s hard to just let them live, especially my 2 ½ year old.  I try.  I really do.  But, I know, at the end of the day, I have also have to teach her.  I just hope I don’t break her spirit as I’m trying to teach her how to survive in this world.  It is such a fine line that I hope I walk carefully. 
I hope I can provide my little ladies with traditions; traditions that they look back on with fondness.  I love hearing stories from people about what they did with their family when they were young.  I want this for my daughters.
I hope my girls will be best friends.  I understand that there will be lots and lots of fighting, but I hope one day, I will sneak next to their closed door and listen to whispering and laughter.  I hope they will share things that they don’t tell me. (Not bad of course) And, I hope they will be there for each other throughout life.
I hope I make sure to play enough while they are young.  I’ve heard people say that looking back, they aren’t sure if they played enough with their children.  I want to put down the phone, forget the waiting text messages and get down on the floor and play.  I want to do it well and often.  I want them to remember that growing up; their mom did the best impression of the bear she sleeps with.
I hope I can instill confidence in them.  I want them to know how beautiful and lovely they are.  If they do, they are less likely to give into peer pressure or make poor decisions.  I hope they will walk through life with their head held high and stand confidently. 
I hope, I hope, I hope. 
I hope for so much.  With these hopes, also draws worry…because; I want so much for them. 
In the end, I hope they are happy and know how much they are loved every single day!  Because then all of my hopes came true and I’ve succeeded. 

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