Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Out of the darkness

One of my best friends got extremely heartbreaking news about her mother in law.  Within weeks they found out that she has a brain tumor followed by news that she has an aggressive form of cancer.  I don’t want to speak to what is going on in their family, but I will say this, it is very shocking and devastating.  My heart breaks for them in a gazillion little pieces.  She has 3 kids and they know nothing about it.  My friend has to put forth a brave face, sing them songs, feed them dinner, smile, nuzzle, and try and forget about the chaos around her as she gets through the day to day mothering tasks.  The kids know nothing but don’t feel a difference all the same.  Looks can be deceiving.
But, “out of the darkness comes light.”
Because, when we stand in front of our children, (no matter what is going on), we put our best foot forward.  We do it for them.  We try, that is, to really truly smile for that picture, even if things aren’t perfect, even if things are going wrong…even, as in the case of my friend, are going through the hardest tribulations of life.      
Hopefully our children see the brave faces.  Hopefully they can stay inside that innocence.  Let’s keep them there for as long as we can. 
But even if we can’t put on that brave face…they do it for us.  They make us laugh.  Say funny things.  Chubby rolls and arms make us forget about our worries.  If they are 10 years old and understand, they can offer a hug, or if they are 3 years old and don’t, they can offer an antic.  If they are a little 1 year old, they can look at you with those sweet eyes and heal you.  And heal you they will, my friend. 
When my first daughter was born, my parents were going through a rough time.  But, my daughter, with her unwavering love, came bouncing into their lives and filled them with happy hearts.  She was and continues to be their light.  And out of the darkness, they emerged.  True, happy smiles were painted on their faces and true beautiful love suppressed any distress.  She was a gift.  She came at the right time.  She healed.
Children: they bring love to our hearts, they see the goodness in our soul, they light up a dark room and fill it with flowers.  They bring in the sunshine.  They wrap their little arms around us and in turn, wrap our hearts in warmth.  They twirl, they laugh, they pretend.  They are happiness.
More than anything, I want to take away the pain from my friend and her family.  I want to help heal.  But, I know she has her children.  They will help her and her husband more than anything or anyone else.  They will hug their children tight, rub their heads, and tell them everything will be ok.  They will feel that for themselves too. 
Maybe we have bad days.  Maybe we have bad months.  Maybe we have bad years.  But maybe just maybe, if we are lucky, we have children, to make it all right. 

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