Friday, March 16, 2012

Shiny Armor

I took my kids to the park the other day.  It started to get close to the baby’s nap time, so we had to head home.  On the way home, I decided to make a quick pit stop to the food store.  I had to pick up just a few things; 4 to be exact.  I thought, no big deal.  In and out.  It started with my toddler pretty much not moving until I got her the balloon floating above the cupcakes in the bakery section.  I repeat, not moving unless I got that balloon.  Fine.  Take it.  Whatever makes this go easy?!  So, we ran around the store, picking up my 4 miscellaneous items; the balloon string dragging behind us.  Phew, I made it.  The express lane should be short and we will be on our way.    But, I heard it; the sound of God laughing in my face.  Not so fast my dear.  It is never that easy.  When my baby gets tired, she gets tired.  And, she doesn’t take a pacifier so it can either go fine or horribly wrong.  Well, this time, it went horribly wrong.  She started screaming…bloody…murder.  As my toddler is in the middle of the store twirling with her balloon, I am in the express line with a screaming baby waiting in between two people.  Gut instinct…throw the items down and run.  But, I was trapped; in the middle of the lane with nowhere to go.  And I saw it…the judgment on everyone’s faces.  “Get your screaming baby out of here,” they thought.  “Look at that haggard mom who can’t control her kids.”  Yup, those were the looks.  So, I did it.  I raised my head up high and threw on my shiny mommy armor. 
For me, mommy armor is a mental concept; to get in your unbreakable shell.  Let those bullets bounce off you.  Shut everyone out.  Don’t let those judgmental looks let you lose your cool.  If the mom loses her cool…nothing can go right.  It can only get worse; bigger meltdowns and longer cries.  So, I get in my mommy armor and safely get through the mess. I rocked the stroller swiftly and hastily (mentally tuning out my screaming baby), paid for my 4 items, and got the heck out of there as fast as humanly possible.  Minimal damage.  My mommy armor protected me from the old woman with her wrinkly pointed finger or the young employee rolling her eyes.  Mommy armor allowed me to say to myself, “whatever…this is life.  I’m not perfect nor are my children, so deal with it.”   
When my daughter falls to her knees at the mall…in front of Panera bread…during the lunch rush; my mommy armor shields me.   When my baby screams LOUDLY all the way home, with a friend in the car; I wear my mommy armor with pride and in style.  When my toddler is the only one not doing circle time at school or at gym class, my mommy armor gets its wear and tear.   And, when I’m just about to lose my cool and let the judgment affect me, I allow my armor to be resilient and shine all silvery and polished.  It is the only way I can mentally get through it.  So, let’s all wear our mommy armor proudly.  We will say to ourselves, “We are not alone.  This isn’t the only tantrum everyone has ever seen.  And, most of all…it is ok.”  The next time your toddler or baby screams, throws a tantrum, or acts up in public; close those eyes for a second, adjust your mind, and put on that shiny mommy armor.  I hope it protects you well.

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