Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Short and Sweet

I’m thankful…
*For my health and the health of my family.  It is everything.
*For my 3 year old daughter who just said that she has “so much love in her heart.”  And that she “is in love with her family.”  Even though she is testing the limits, she is also lovely in a way that can make me forget it.
*For my 1 year old who I will find figuratively running with scissors if left alone for a millisecond.  She keeps me on my toes in a way that will always keep me vigilant.  That is a good thing, I’m sure.   (Except when she is in high-school climbing out her window).
*For my hard days.  They are shaping me and I know I will find their lessons when I look back from a different place.  I will be grateful.  Right now though, I’m finding that wine helps.
*For being able to do a side braid with a wet head.  It actually fools people into thinking I might have had time.

*For the heartache and pain I have ever experienced in my life, it reminds me that I’ve lived.
*For those simple moments, where nobody cries.  Like yesterday, my girls handed me red and orange leaves for an hour.  We examined them and I put them in my pocket for safekeeping.  Those moments turn out to be the moments I know I will remember 10 years from now.
*For the days when I think I’m actually a good mom.
*For gel manicures.  What?  It doesn't chip for 2 weeks.  Brand. New. World.
*For my friends, old and new who are beautifully different and who possess all the colors and all the styles of life.  Who would I be without them?
*For the fact that my 3 year old is me. 
*For UGGS, you can kind of look stylish and be comfortable at the same time.  All winter long...
*For the moments I can sneak away.
*For the Heff of years ago, the Heff of yesterday, the Heff of today, and who he will be tomorrow. (Heff is my husband ;)—and he is amazing.
*For being able to find an outlet through writing.  For being able to be honest even if it means I don’t look good.  For having an open heart, something I’ve learned as the years have passed.
*For my house, my home, and the love inside.
*For you; for taking the time to read my thoughts and caring and maybe laughing and maybe crying and maybe thinking; for commenting; for giving it a thumbs up.  It keeps me going.  Thank you.

I’m lucky.  I’m grateful.  I’m thankful.  Happy Thanksgiving.  Eat up.  Forget about the carbs.

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