Don’t take life too seriously
I try to find the fun in things, but sometimes it seems virtually impossible; especially when there is spit up on my shirt, grays in my hair, and babies screaming in my ear. I give myself a big fat C in this category. Sometimes it feels like the end of the world when something isn’t going my way. Why don’t I just throw in the towel now, I think. But then something or someone says something that shakes me back to reality. Jeez…that was a downward spiral; glad I caught myself. Because in the end, it really isn’t that bad, right? It could be worse. Let’s just play the cards we were dealt to the best of our ability; and have fun while doing it. And, don’t let other people get the best of us. I get upset if I am left out of something; or, if someone has a bad opinion of me. I definitely let it bother me. Perhaps this is human nature or maybe it is because I’m not following my own rules. Whatever the case may be, it is something that I’m willing to work on and something I’d like to perfect so that I may teach my kids the right things. So, they can ‘get it’; see the good in life, and not take anything too seriously; unless warranted.
“Tell all the truth but tell it slant” –Emily Dickinson
…Or, keep your mouth shut! I love this quote because it is basically talking about tact! Some people do not have a filter. They tell it like it is. But, I believe you have to change your tune based on who you are singing to. If you are talking to someone who is super sensitive; you must act accordingly. Don’t tell her she is looking plump today. Be blunt if you are around friends or family that can take it. I don’t think people really get it, if they are able to hurt another’s feelings because that is “who they are.” Wrong! I see this everywhere; even in a mom’s world. When my toddler turned 2, she wasn’t talking in full sentences yet. A few other moms told me to call early intervention. I don’t even remember who they were; I just remember the way it made me feel. Scared; even though deep down I knew she was fine. Maybe they thought they were being helpful? So I called. She was more than fine; she scored above average on everything (even talking). About 2 months later, she woke up one day and started blabbing away. Those moms probably should have kept that comment to themselves. Tact; knowing how to say it, when to say it, and if to say it. I believe it is vital to understanding other people and living harmoniously in this world.
…in everything. From something as simple as not eating too much sugar; to trying not to talk about yourself too much. Balance is the key. Some people wear rose colored glasses through life. Some see too much imperfection. Some people talk too much and don’t listen. Vice Versa. These are all examples of people who just don’t get it; in my opinion. Because, too much of one thing is never a good thing. When I figure out how to find balance in every aspect of my life, then I feel like I can start to truly get the game of life. Making enough time for my husband, myself, and my children. Learning how to balance it all and make it look effortless; this is what I need as a mom and a person; and then I’ll get there.
In the game of life, there are those people who get it and those who do not. My friend Neel always told me that. And now, he is going to be a dad. I know he is going to teach his child everything wonderful this world has to offer. And I am going to try to follow his lead…
…because, I want to prevail in the game that I am playing in this life…just as he has.
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