So many people have been telling me that I seem like a
weight has been lifted off my shoulders.
I think it has been lifted off my hips.
But something has definitely been lifted; my spirits, my energy, and my
happiness. Don’t get me wrong, I still
have my days but they are literally few and far between now. There are more good days than bad and more
energy than not. Yesterday I ran around
my backyard with my girls kicking the soccer ball and going down the
slide. Happiness. I used to sit on the chair and watch
them. But, my 21 month old daughter’s
eyes lit up when I went down the slide and ran with the ball. “More” she said. “More, mama”
As you know, I did a nutritional cleanse in the beginning of
April…and haven’t looked back. I’ve
heard the whispers about it. SCAM! Well,
what happens when it’s over?!
The truth is, it is only as good as you make it. As my friend said, it is only a scam if you
believe that after 30 days you can go back to old habits and expect NOT to gain the weight back. It is a scam if I tell you can eat candy and
lose weight. It will come back if you
don’t make a lifestyle change. My life
has changed for the better, because of it.
Since January 1st, I have lost a total of 21 pounds. If you are a follower of my posts, you know
that I have been talking about my love handles for a solid year now. I talked about the bar method 60 challenge
and weight watchers, and so on and so forth.
When I found this cleanse program, I swear I found the best thing for
me. I used to look at posts on facebook
from people talking about how happy they were and literally SNARL. Grrr, you can't be that happy. CURSE YOU! But now, I can actually feel happy for others
and for myself.

I am now at a weight that I haven’t been since 2005. I never thought it was possible as I would
get on the scale and just accept the way it HAD to be because of 2
children. And apparently I don’t own a
full-length mirror because how did I lose 21 pounds and still have more to
go??!!! HUH?! But, regardless, I decided to
make a change and I have never regretted my decision for one second. I worked hard at it, but I am starting to
really reap the benefits of my hard work, my focus, and the change that I
My good friend said to me, “I don’t want to do the program
because I don’t want my kids to see me popping pills and drinking shakes.” I replied, “it isn’t for everyone.” I wanted to say, “It isn’t like that,” but I
refrained because it ISN’T for everyone.
But, I want my kids to see me happy and healthy. I want them to see me focused and motivated
to attain a goal that CAN be reached. I
want them to see me succeed, empowered, and changed. I want them to see me run. I want them to see me ‘do.’ I want them to see me ‘be’ better than I
was. I want them to see me eating
healthy dinners and choosing healthy snacks. I choose health, happiness, and nutrition.
I have changed, inside and out. My aura is lighter, brighter, and
happier. The change is because of the
cleanse but has been brightened through my new attitude. “Yes, I can.”
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