Friday, May 11, 2012


Let’s set the scene…

An overtired toddler.  Hungry.
A hungover mother.  Before coffee.

A gym class with rigid rules….

The class started at 10:30 and by 11:20…she was done.  Her listening skills went to sh@t and my tolerance started taking a dive.  Bad combo.

I heard her across the room, screaming “No, No, NO!”  And, I knew.  It was going to be a bad few minutes.  She wouldn’t listen to the teachers and wouldn’t listen to me.  “That’s it,” I said, “we are leaving.”  “No mommy, no mommy, no!”  Jeez.  What to do, what to do?  Do I drag her by her hair?  Tempting.  But, I know I have to be somewhat calm.  We have an audience.  That is the worst part of it.  The other looks.  The judging.  How will I respond?  I tried to keep cool.  But, the other mother giggling in my direction didn’t help.  “What?” I said.  She responded, “It’s just so funny to watch the baby scooting around.”  Yea??  That’s funny to you?  Now???  No, what is funny is my toddler crying and carrying on and my baby crawling around everywhere.  An out of control scene and I couldn’t handle the situation at hand.  That was what was funny to her!  And in that moment, I didn’t like her.  She is a sweet lady, but that was the LAST thing I needed to see.  But, laugh away my friend because I know she will be there soon.  She has a toddler and a brand new 4 week old.  It’ll happen to her.  The same scene.  Karma.
It has happened to me before.  I’ve giggled to myself at the misfortune of another mom, but then I’ve paid the price a few minutes or hours later; and then I’ve kicked myself.  Just when I thought I had it good, I then realized…I’m no better.  I’m exactly the same.  I’ve judged before.  And now…I have no reason to judge at all.  I’ve laughed before, but now, I have no reason to laugh at all.  Before kids, I’ve shook my head when my friends put their kids behind the television and now, I’ll do it for some peace.  Crackers for lunch; not in a million years.  And now, crackers for dinner as long as she will eat.  I am not allowed to judge any other mother.  And, I will not do it.  I will empathize with them, hug them, and give them nothing but quiet understanding.  I expect the same in return.  So, I will not be mad at the mom who laughed at me today, because I have done the same in the past.  But, I will silently smile to myself when she is in the same predicament.  Because then I’ll know that the heavens are aligned and somehow, someway, karma will kick her in the face.  I don’t even have to see it.  But, I know its coming! 

With that said; so what…I had a bad morning.  But, I had a blissful afternoon.  And now, as I sit here with both my girls sleeping comfortably in their beds, I will sip my coffee, play with my IPhone, and unwind.  Because I know, once those girls wake up, there will be tears, whines, and tantrums; knocking me back into reality; letting me know that with the bad comes the good and with the disaster comes the success.  I had a bad morning, but right now, everything is looking up.  And, I’m getting a much needed and well deserved break after a crazy and extremely wild morning.  You know what that is….Karma; kissing me on the lips.    


  1. Noreen, I am off FB for the time being, too time consuming. I decided to catch up ont your blog as I haven't read it in a little while. Boy, do I love your posts, Nor. It's like you're inside my head, using the best words to describe my world, the world you're also living in. I love the sleep post.... My thoughts exactly. You just never know which one it's going to be to wake up that night, it's a good night if only one wakes up once, it's a great night if 8 hrs goes by in peace and quiet.
    Your karma post is great too, I had the exact thing happen to me last week. Colston decided to have a meltdown bc Libby went on the rope swing and it's HIS in his world.

  2. Anyway, thank you for these posts, I read them and I don't feel alone. You're such a good mommy! Such a good writer, and such a good person!
