I read that Huffington Post blog, What We Mean When We
Say We Need a Break by Amanda King (see below) and I
thought, Yes, I get it. I’m with
her. Moms need mental breaks. I was so pumped by this blog, I
asked my husband to read it. It triggered a debate/ borderline argument. From his point of view, he felt
slighted. In our family he is the
main provider and he felt his day-to-day stresses were sloughed off with a
jaunty disregard and an off-hand wave of thank you. I disagreed with
him in a ‘cross my arms across the chest’ kind of way. After all, the blog was written about
how the mom feels about her short breathing space in the middle of her
otherwise sealed way of life. We
both have our point of views. They
are both acknowledged in the post.
And then I remembered about 2 months ago, I had a long few
weeks and I was DONE. Not in a bad
way, just in a normal way from a mom with 2 young kids. You know, in need of a mental
break. I couldn’t even motivate
myself to wipe a butt over the weekend.
I left my husband for that.
He kind of did everything from soup to nuts that weekend, bless his
soul. We were at my parent’s
house, which helped. I just
sat. At the end of the 2 days, I
found my husband upstairs in a back room with the door closed. I opened the door at 8:30 pm and looked
at him. “Now you know why I
retreat into corners,” I said. He
laughed. He got it. 2 days and he got it. “I’m sorry I didn’t help much. I just needed a break.” He understood. More importantly, he sees how hard
motherhood is. Not parenting. Nope. Motherhood.
Being the mom. Maybe he
does get it? Or maybe he just wants
recognition as well…
I concede all of us need a short rest while in the middle of
our lives. I reflect; take a breath, a break. I do it often.
It is the only way to survive.
Before children and marriage, I used to shut my bedroom door, light a
few candles and watch “My Best Friend’s Wedding” over and over again. I used to fall asleep watching the same
3-4 movies. I wrote in a journal,
let calls go to voicemail, and found my balance.
Now, I don't have that kind of time. When my husband walks in the door from work, sometimes
I disappear. Literally. I’ll hear them saying in the
background, “Where did mommy go?
Where’s mommy?” I’m off in
my corner. I call it, Retreating into Corners. That is where I’ll
be. That is where mommy is, in her time-out corner. I’ll hear them. I’ll kind of roll my eyes and say to
myself, “Please don’t find me.” Or
I’ll hear, “awww, how cute, show mommy how cute you look.” I want to say, “I KNOW!” I’ve seen it
all day. Now I need to NOT see
it.” Don’t find me. I’m hiding in the closet. Or, I’ll be in the chair with a
book…next to my bed with a computer on my lap…sitting in the basement staring
off into space. “Honey, what are you doing?” “ “Just sitting,” ie. leave me alone.
For me, retreating into corners is my way of shutting out
the fights over dolls and toys.
Forgetting about how many times I am fulfilling requests and answering
questions. I try and tune out
catching spilled milk before it happens and whatever else drama I try and avoid
throughout the day. My husband's
way of retreating into corners or getting that so-called break is playing golf,
watching football, toying with fantasy football, sitting on the can, and/or
ignoring the trash can for a day.
We all need a mental break; men and women alike. They need to know we understand. We need to know they understand. We ALL need to find our corners. Whatever we do in our corners is
well…up to us.
Nothing has changed. This has been the argument since the
beginning of time. Even though we
argued about it, I know we both understand each other. In the end, we just want
understanding. It’s a human
need. It is called empathy.

And then Mrs. Cavewoman would pick up a pictured stone to
read, put up her hairy feet and watch the sun go down content with the thought
that he understands.
So well said! I do think you hit the nail on the head too in the first paragraph when you said your husband felt slighted that his day to day life wasn't also acknowledged. I'm so impressed that yiuwere able to get your little break. Thank god for parents and husbands!!!